- 2 to 3 days for Kilat service and 5 to 10 days for regular service
Bulk mail

As an example, in the United States, the United States Postal Service (USPS) defines bulk mail broadly as "quantities of mail prepared for mailing at reduced postage rates." The preparation includes presorting and placing into containers by ZIP code. The containers, along with a manifest, are taken to an area in a post office called a bulk mail entry unit. The presorting and the use of containers allow highly automated processing of the mail, both in bulk and piecewise, in processing facilities called bulk mail centers (BMCs).
In 2009, the USPS announced plans to streamline sorting and delivery, which would recast the BMCs as "Network Distribution Centers".
Certified Mail
United States 15c certified mail stamp of 1955, postman

Sending Letters
There are several types of mail service for letters:pos udara | international air mail service |
express | international delivery in 2-3 working days |
kilat biasa | domestic delivery |
kilat khusus | overnight domestic delivery |
terdaftar | registered |

Indonesia has an active philatelic association and regularly produces beautifully designed stamps and first day covers highlighting special events, famous people or items of cultural interest. There is a philatelic museum at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah in East Jakarta.
General inquiry numbers for the Indonesian Central Post Office are (62-21) 384-7120, or 381-4427.
Sending Packages
Packages, as a rule, are best sent from larger post offices. Some small post offices will not even accept packages. There is a separate entrance for the office that handles packages. It's best not to seal up your box ahead of time as the postal officials may want to see the contents first. The postal staff will help you to pack, wrap and tape up your package, for a small fee. The bigger post offices also sell the packaging materials.
Shipped parcels will be granted a duty-free limit of US$50. Whenever these limits are exceeded, however, import duties will apply. So, if the items sent to you in a package have a value of over US$50, as claimed by the sender on the customs slip, you will be charged duty. Dutiable packages have to picked up at the main post office for your mayoralty. To avoid the hassle and customs fees, it is recommended (even by the postal workers themselves) to put a value of less than $50 on incoming packages from abroad.

Pos Keliling
In many locations across town there are mobile post offices housed in orang mini-vans which park in various parking lots at the same time each day. When their back window is open they are open for business. You can send mail and purchase stamps from these pos keliling.Parcel post
is a service of a postal administration for sending parcels through the post. It is generally one of the less expensive ways to ship packages that are too heavy to be sent by regular letter post and is usually a slower method of transportation.
Express Mail from Abroad

Thanking Your Mailman
It is advisable to give a token of your appreciation to your mailman just prior to Lebaran, Rp 50,000 or an appropriate amount. If you receive a lot of mail at Christmas time, it may be wise to tip your mailman at that time too. These small gestures will help to ensure that your mail will be delivered promptly and that letters and packages don't go astray.Know Your Address
To ensure delivery of your mail, be sure to give your correspondents your complete address. This will include the name of your housing complex (if any), street name and number, the kelurahan, kecamatan, city and postal code (zip code). If you don't know your address, ask your landlord or check your phone/electric bills as they list the complete address. Postal codes are listed in the index of the Falk Street Atlas.A typical address:
Eliy Executive
Kompleks Eksekutip Paradiso
Jl. Arteri No. 58
Cilandak Timur, Pasar Minggu
Jakarta Selatan 12430
Many housing areas use a system of numbered and lettered blocks, for example:
Tommy Techie
Kompleks Pertambangan
Jl. Mas VI Blok S9 No. 7
Cipete Selatan, Cilandak
Jakarta Selatan 12620
Other areas do not have named roads and are simply designed with the RT and RW:
Susie Sunshine
RT 07/ RW 009
Desa Kaliwangi, Kel. Mandiluhur
Kec. Ayu, Jawa Tengah 24550
Courier Services
Several international courier services have offices in Jakarta, including DHL, FedEx, and UPS. They provide international-standard door-to-door services with the only additional charges being Duty and Taxes. These can be high in Indonesia, but they are levied against the value of the goods and the type of commodities. Goods such as golf clubs attract luxury tax, so if you are shipping these in be prepared to pay something like an additional 50-60% of the value to the government in duty and tax. Personal items and items of low value (about US$50 or below) should generally flow through duty free.Use a courier service that has a transparent system and is up front about additional charges paid to the Customs for duty or warehouse charges. Goods under US$50 that go straight through Customs have no additional charges from DHL.
It is also helpful if the courier service has an automated shipment tracking service available through their web site. Through this service you can track any shipment you have made or that is being sent to you to know it's location at any time.
There are many domestic courier services. Two of the more reliable for sending packages in Indonesia for a low cost are Tiki and JNE. Call the main office, listed in the yellow pages, to ask for the agent nearest you.
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